Felixson1: Our new ambulance what came 28.4.2010
Felixson1: The ambulance from the front
Felixson1: The ambulance from the back
Felixson1: The new ambulance in Kemiö what came 28.4.2010
Felixson1: Emergency group´s (Ensivaste) car
Felixson1: Dalsbruks fire boat 24.4.2010
Felixson1: D 13
Felixson1: Emergency group´s car
Felixson1: Buster and the emergency car
Felixson1: The emergency group´s car
Felixson1: The new K591 (Kemiö) och T892 (Turku)
Felixson1: Medi-Heli
Felixson1: 3.12.2009 Fire boats in dalsbruk
Felixson1: Rescue boat in Kasnäs)
Felixson1: The ambulance we had when we worked at the former company until 1 May 2009
Felixson1: Turku 892
Felixson1: Med Group Kimito K591