ankatank: subway + lesley
ankatank: hmmm what wine to get what wine to get
ankatank: soulmates reunited!
ankatank: soulmates yeaaa!
ankatank: famous dudes on the wall of katz's.
ankatank: pickles and boobs
ankatank: might i interest you in a plate of pickles?
ankatank: i'm gonna eat you, pickle!
ankatank: you like that pickle do ya?
ankatank: heheheh yea... pickles...
ankatank: our katz's tickets
ankatank: katz's menu
ankatank: waaaaa :( but whyyy can't i have my surgery even though my stupid insurance won't pay? why can't youuuu pay for it dad?!!?
ankatank: can't eat any more
ankatank: i gon' pop you on the head motha fucka
ankatank: greens
ankatank: i can fit more food in my mouth than you wanna bet lets have a contest i'm gonna win motha fucka
ankatank: model slouch
ankatank: model slouch II
ankatank: soulmates yes it is us
ankatank: soulmates hallo
ankatank: so you see, it's like this
ankatank: huh? what the fuck are you talking about philippe?
ankatank: it's actually like this
ankatank: whaaat huhuhuh...
ankatank: hahahhahahha
ankatank: laughter explosion
ankatank: party
ankatank: this dude was insecure about his shoes.
ankatank: time to go/revisiting model slouch