ankatank: welcome to scituate
ankatank: the cottage we stayed in
ankatank: statuesque
ankatank: ah brill, the goldfinch is in the lead
ankatank: colin and alison make the grocery list for tomorrow's bbq and tonight's LOBSTER FEAST!!!
ankatank: alison's double-fisting. ok ok, one of those was mine.
ankatank: in about two seconds chris did a triple backhand spring
ankatank: the sisters blanchard
ankatank: flip flops dominate
ankatank: the ladies are playing nail salon while the boys are out doing the grocery shopping
ankatank: alison's painting my nails - i can't do the right hand...
ankatank: ah this is the life, sitting in the outdoors, getting my nails painted, sipping on red wine, all while the boys are out doing chores hurrah!
ankatank: oh, you missed a spot dear, yes yes that one there you go perfect darling
ankatank: now alison paints her own nails
ankatank: painting nails drinking wine la di da
ankatank: reba's nails are done
ankatank: oops... cigarette fell in water...
ankatank: mary joins the nail party and has a file
ankatank: reba shows off her moves
ankatank: sunlit back yard
ankatank: garage
ankatank: i don't know what these things are but i saw them on some other houses too. i think it's an coastal town thing? something to do with boats maybe?
ankatank: aaaaa! lobstaaaah!
ankatank: alison vs. the lobster aaaah!
ankatank: alison vs. the lobster detail aaaah!
ankatank: kevin and larry (the lobster)
ankatank: sam
ankatank: was this sam again? no i think this was martin
ankatank: sorry sam we're going to eat you!!
ankatank: back in the bag for now little guy