ankatank: it's chris
ankatank: corner of life (r.i.p.)
ankatank: birdie made a nest in the corner of life using my tv cable which was already circled up as a starting point. lazy? yea i think maybe a little.
ankatank: birdie had babies!
ankatank: feeding time
ankatank: momma momma we're hungry
ankatank: naked/string
ankatank: doorway
ankatank: 50% chance of see you later unicorn...
ankatank: dead.
ankatank: champagne on fire escape eee
ankatank: champagne on fire escape mmm
ankatank: korean bbq is made of rainbows
ankatank: my head is always way bigger than other people's heads in photos.
ankatank: untitled
ankatank: lena's world
ankatank: i dont think so
ankatank: ok maybe
ankatank: don't you think?
ankatank: fiiine you win
ankatank: naked
ankatank: naked
ankatank: "hello." -lena
ankatank: being lena; grumpy am not lena; being lena / lenas all around me
ankatank: yeaaa now you're talkin...
ankatank: mmm pizza
ankatank: hahahha so funny hahahhaha
ankatank: fonda in a hardshell
ankatank: barbarella psychadella
ankatank: LOVE