Anjitha: Bubles
Anjitha: Dried flower : Ending summer ~ Explored
Anjitha: Speckled Wood (Pararge aegeria)
Anjitha: Summer has come
Anjitha: Orange Tip (Anthocharis cardamines)
Anjitha: Cocus
Anjitha: Bee or a Fly ?
Anjitha: Garden Snail- (Helix aspersa)
Anjitha: Where are you going ?
Anjitha: Daylia
Anjitha: Daylia-Yellow
Anjitha: Orange-tip drilling a flower
Anjitha: Garden Spider
Anjitha: Tawny Daylily - Emblem Of The Mother
Anjitha: Inside a natural cage
Anjitha: Combination
Anjitha: Mid aged beauty
Anjitha: Just got a break
Anjitha: Cherry-British Stella (Yum Yum)- Explored
Anjitha: Pinkies
Anjitha: 2 sides of same mother
Anjitha: Dandelion
Anjitha: Afternoon Queen
Anjitha: All of them 4 U
Anjitha: Hard work in Hard Drive
Anjitha: Bubbles Design
Anjitha: A nature combination
Anjitha: Just Started
Anjitha: Preparation for the winter
Anjitha: Wild Beauty