~anjie: of course i got her a peach hat!
~anjie: hello there
~anjie: the button nose profile
~anjie: peachette adorableness
~anjie: a fairy baby
~anjie: a sweet grin
~anjie: thanks alison for the cute dress & pants
~anjie: marshmellow me happy
~anjie: hi gramma & grampa
~anjie: thanks for the cute outfit aunt jenni!
~anjie: not enjoying this photoshoot....
~anjie: i love this expression!
~anjie: the hat made by sioux boston....so adorable!
~anjie: 1947 dishwasher interior
~anjie: 1947 dishwasher exterior
~anjie: hotpoint dishwasher dial
~anjie: ilia loves to hold her new cousin
~anjie: sweet cousins, not quite posing but still adorable
~anjie: that flash is bright!
~anjie: ilia and alesia ~ cutest cousins ever
~anjie: lil' apple tartlet