Catherine Sienko: It's Raining Over There....
The Dark Frog: Herbst ~ Autumn
neurodoc2010: wer jetzt kein haus hat...
birdcloud1: close to the earth (13)
The Dark Frog: der Fahrradständer des Odysseus
BrigitteE1: Hello dear deer
birdcloud1: yet another map of the universe (7)
Mike Bonitz: Siesta
BrigitteE1: Blaukehlchen
dono heneman: Dancing with the sea
Mike Bonitz: Kro-Küsse
The Dark Frog: Frühling am Stiel
diwan: Hier kommt die Maus.....
Lani Bastet: DSC_0068
Lani Bastet: DSC_0005
gks18: ...My dreams with the seagulls fly Out of reach out of cry..."- from Song to a Seagull - Joni Mitchell.
Maggi_94: Robin on Ice
diwan: Linsengucker / part two
le cabri: skiing in a fairytale forest
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): For the Love of Dogs 3I0447
BrigitteE1: Rabenkrähe*carrion crow [Corvus corone corone]
neurodoc2010: celebrating life...
Adabo!: Winter Road with Snowflakes
Dr DAD (Daniel A D'Auria MD): Butte Beautiful 4823
gks18: airborne- dancer's grace.
We travel the Spaceways: Morning sunshine
We travel the Spaceways: One of the cup marked rocks on Tormain Hill
We travel the Spaceways: Sunrise at Tormain Hill