Anita363: Ectopic robin
Anita363: Kilroy Was Here
Anita363: Give me a hand!
Anita363: Differential Grasshopper
Anita363: Tawny Emperor female on finger
Anita363: Tawny Emperor female on hand
Anita363: 8140 Fall Webworm Caterpillar, P9050070
Anita363: Northern Spring Peeper, IMG_0522.JPG
Anita363: New Jersey Chorus Frog
Anita363: Stink Bug
Anita363: See Spot Migrate
Anita363: Young Spotted Salamander
Anita363: Pickerel Frog
Anita363: Green larva
Anita363: Baby Mantis
Anita363: 11012.1 Large Yellow Underwing
Anita363: 5420 Elegant Grass-veneer Moth, Microcrambus elegans 11 mm IMG_2157
Anita363: Thumbtack-face
Anita363: 5156 Lucerne Moth Nomophila nearctica
Anita363: 5156 Lucerne Moth underside
Anita363: 5156 Lucerne Moth Nomophila nearctica
Anita363: 9638 The Silence of the Shutterbugs
Anita363: IMG_2619
Anita363: 2700 Leopard Moth, Zeuzera pyrina
Anita363: 4949 -- European Corn Borer Moth -- Ostrinia nubilalis
Anita363: Long in the tooth
Anita363: Midge
Anita363: Eight-spotted Forester
Anita363: Eight-spotted Forester
Anita363: Ephemeral