newenglandrocks: looking out toward Nordic Valley
newenglandrocks: little tree lit 1
newenglandrocks: little tree lit
newenglandrocks: little tree in shadow
newenglandrocks: my tracks
newenglandrocks: shadows framing Lightning Ridge
newenglandrocks: fog and tall tree
newenglandrocks: sparkles around the white tree
newenglandrocks: hazy trees
newenglandrocks: clouds surround Nordic Valley
newenglandrocks: paper airplane
newenglandrocks: Chris and Alicia on Timberline during the snow
newenglandrocks: rolling fog
newenglandrocks: partial vis
newenglandrocks: hidden lake in the distance
newenglandrocks: Conrad and Marcus
newenglandrocks: James Peak in the distance
newenglandrocks: Katie finishing up on the Baldy hike
newenglandrocks: Katie finishing up at Baldy portrait
newenglandrocks: Katie completes Baldy
newenglandrocks: Sunset at paradise
newenglandrocks: Sunrise late day views
newenglandrocks: lit hill
newenglandrocks: lit hill
newenglandrocks: blue sky and lone tree at Paradise
newenglandrocks: patchy light over Cobabe Canyon
newenglandrocks: Timberline lift from above
newenglandrocks: two trees and clouds rising
newenglandrocks: lone tree with clouds
newenglandrocks: lightning ridge from the top of James