newenglandrocks: Cormorant looking around
newenglandrocks: Cormorant on the move
newenglandrocks: in flight by the mountains
newenglandrocks: geese flock
newenglandrocks: ducks in flight
newenglandrocks: duck landing
newenglandrocks: duck in flight
newenglandrocks: pelican swim
newenglandrocks: swimmin bird
newenglandrocks: Heron flying away
newenglandrocks: two swams swimming away
newenglandrocks: Heron and lurker
newenglandrocks: looking right at ya
newenglandrocks: two swams look away
newenglandrocks: turkey fan
newenglandrocks: parents leading the kids
newenglandrocks: One goose leads
newenglandrocks: Proud geese parents
newenglandrocks: down to the water
newenglandrocks: One parent leading the goslings
newenglandrocks: point both ways
newenglandrocks: floating meeting
newenglandrocks: four goslings swimming
newenglandrocks: stay near a parent
newenglandrocks: looking for threats
newenglandrocks: making that climb
newenglandrocks: climbing
newenglandrocks: foraging for breakfast
newenglandrocks: looking for food