Anita Pravits:
Cone of Urukagina, c 2350 BC
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Cone of Urukagina, c 2350 BC
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Statue de Lupad, fonctionnaire de la ville d'Umma
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Porteur de chevreau / Man bearing a young goat, c 2300 BC
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Porteur de chevreau / Man bearing a young goat: inlay element for a mosaic panel, c 2400 BC
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Statue of Ebih-II, high-ranking dignitary of the city of Mari / Statuette des Ebiḫ-Il, c 2400 BC
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Statue of Ebih-II, high-ranking dignitary of the city of Mari / Statuette des Ebiḫ-Il, c 2400 BC
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Relief of a winged man, from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
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Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
Anita Pravits:
Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull, detail) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC) (reproduction, original in the Oriental Institute Museum in Chicago)
Anita Pravits:
Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC) (reproduction, original in the Oriental Institute Museum in Chicago)
Anita Pravits:
Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull) and reliefs from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
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Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
Anita Pravits:
Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull, detail) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
Anita Pravits:
Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull, detail) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
Anita Pravits:
Reliefs, Lamassu (a human-headed winged bull) from Dur-Sharrukin (Khorsabad), Asyria, , time of Sargon II (722-705 BC)
Anita Pravits:
lion passant / passing lion, brick panel from the procession way which ran from the Marduk temple to the Ishtar Gate and the Akitu Temple., reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (604–562 BC), Babylon (Iraq)
Anita Pravits:
lion passant / passing lion, brick panel from the procession way which ran from the Marduk temple to the Ishtar Gate and the Akitu Temple., reign of Nebuchadnezzar II (604–562 BC), Babylon (Iraq)
Anita Pravits:
Tête de lion gardien de porte, Zincirli (Samal), 9th century BC
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Blue Goat, from Tell Ahmar (Til Barsip), 8th century BCE
Anita Pravits:
Blue Goat, from Tell Ahmar (Til Barsip), 8th century BCE
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Code de Hammurabi / Code of Hammurabi / Codex Hammurapi, roi de Babylone, 1792-1750 BC
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Code de Hammurabi / Code of Hammurabi / Codex Hammurapi, roi de Babylone, 1792-1750 BC
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Code de Hammurabi / Code of Hammurabi / Codex Hammurapi, roi de Babylone, 1792-1750 BC
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Code de Hammurabi / Code of Hammurabi / Codex Hammurapi, roi de Babylone, 1792-1750 BC
Anita Pravits:
Capital with the foreparts (protomai) of bulls, Le palais du roi perse / Palace of Darius I / Palast von Dareios I. (522-486 BC) in Susa
Anita Pravits:
Capital with the foreparts (protomai) of bulls, Le palais du roi perse / Palace of Darius I / Palast von Dareios I. (522-486 BC) in Susa
Anita Pravits:
Capital with the foreparts (protomai) of bulls, Le palais du roi perse / Palace of Darius I / Palast von Dareios I. (522-486 BC) in Susa
Anita Pravits:
Capital with the foreparts (protomai) of bulls, Le palais du roi perse / Palace of Darius I / Palast von Dareios I. (522-486 BC) in Susa
Anita Pravits:
Wall decoration: a guard from the frieze of archers, Le palais du roi perse / Palace of Darius I / Palast von Dareios I. (522-486 BC) in Susa