Animé du zkukkuiz:
if the reflections on the water when the wind blows can not seem to be as those real ,and what're about our reflecting ?
Animé du zkukkuiz:
Animé du zkukkuiz:
therE is a biG sigN on thE strEEt that i'm phOtographinG, aNyway it'S nOt mine ,fOr sUre_ to respeCt or nOt , it's youR chOice ; i think...
Animé du zkukkuiz:
that boat has been there in the dark all night; i can't see. may the guilt is early morning sunbeam ?
Animé du zkukkuiz:
sOmething caN nOt tuRn bY itself ,oUtside fOrce needEd
Animé du zkukkuiz:
tO whOm with lOve