Animatipia: Cartel en la Korrex
Animatipia: Cartel presentación de libro
Animatipia: Guilty of printing.
Animatipia: Guilty of printing.
Animatipia: Declaración de principios.
Animatipia: Cartel "Copy of a"
Animatipia: Cartel "Copy of a" - Detalle
Animatipia: Forma del cartel "Copy of a"
Animatipia: 1st International Congress on the Medieval and Modern book - Poster form
Animatipia: The secret is in the form...
Animatipia: Drying...
Animatipia: 1st International Congress on the Medieval and Modern book - Poster detail
Animatipia: 1st International Congress on the Medieval and Modern book - Detail
Animatipia: 1st International Congress on the Medieval and Modern book - Poster... and printer
Animatipia: ATypI 2014 - "23'56 MOVABLE TYPE IN THE DIGITAL AGE" Exhibition