aniko e: European water plantain
aniko e: European water plantain
aniko e: Sebes Körös
aniko e: Cockspur grass
aniko e: Persicaria hydropiper
aniko e: Water and stones
aniko e: Persicaria dubia
aniko e: Persicaria dubia
aniko e: Persicaria dubia
aniko e: Sebes Körös
aniko e: Sebes Körös
aniko e: Sebes Körös
aniko e: Sebes Körös
aniko e: View from above the Lazuri gorge
aniko e: Carlina biebersteinii ssp. brevibracteata
aniko e: Centaurium erythraea
aniko e: Autumn lady's tresses
aniko e: Autumn lady's tresses
aniko e: Autumn lady's tresses
aniko e: Countryside with hay stacks
aniko e: Crystal cave, Farcu Mine
aniko e: Crystal cave, Farcu Mine
aniko e: Crystal cave, Farcu Mine
aniko e: Crystal cave, Farcu Mine
aniko e: Spear thistle
aniko e: Braun bear hair
aniko e: Evening walk downhill
aniko e: View to the north from the Moti Church
aniko e: Moti church // Mócok temploma
aniko e: Evening hike