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Kids 2016 by aniko e
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aniko e
Starting the ridge walk
aniko e
Almost there, on muddy trails
aniko e
aniko e
That cloud is going to eat up the kid
aniko e
The summit is in view
aniko e
We should check out where the clouds are coming from
aniko e
Let's do this!
aniko e
Asam Bridge
aniko e
Asam Bridge
aniko e
Flower in the reed
aniko e
Huckleberry Finn with binoculars
aniko e
Water and stones
aniko e
Evening walk downhill
aniko e
Evening hike
aniko e
Some climbing
aniko e
Szamos bazár, Aragyásza Barlang
aniko e
Patak, kövek, fiúk // Creek, rocks, boys
aniko e
Fellhorn Naturerlebnispfad
aniko e
Out of the gorge
aniko e
Walking high above the valleys
aniko e
aniko e
Large ringlet
aniko e
Forest trail
aniko e
View from the Maroldschneid
aniko e
Lofty heights
aniko e
Narrow trails
aniko e
Following the trail...
aniko e
The last steps to the summit
aniko e
aniko e
Forest trail
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