aniko e: See you all again in 2015!
aniko e: The journey is the reward
aniko e: Who reaches the summit cross first?
aniko e: Hiking down...
aniko e: The dragonfly tamer
aniko e: ...
aniko e: Limonium gmelinii ssp. hungaricum
aniko e: Rain is coming
aniko e: An alle Schulkinder in Bayern: schöne Ferien!!!
aniko e: Oberammergau, Laberberg, at about 1600 m altitude
aniko e: At the Partnach River
aniko e: The last one closes the gate
aniko e: Currying / Grooming Pünktchen (Little Dot)
aniko e: Pünktchen (Little Dot) is a bit tired after working with kids
aniko e: Carefully checking out each other
aniko e: Boldogköi vár, Hungary