aniko e: Kottmüller Alle
aniko e: Merry Christmas!
aniko e: Blue flowers for Nóri
aniko e: Merry Christmas!
aniko e: Kodály Zoltán Zenei Szakközépiskola, Debrecen
aniko e: It was all a blur
aniko e: Easter Sunday
aniko e: Happy Easter to all of us
aniko e: color scheme
aniko e: Spooky gloom, doom
aniko e: Leucojum vernum
aniko e: Viburnum farreri
aniko e: Finally
aniko e: Happy Women's Day to all my female friends
aniko e: Bad Tölz
aniko e: October Morning
aniko e: Well, I guess it is not spring yet
aniko e: Rothko photographed
aniko e: Winter Bag
aniko e: I object to violence...