Anika Malone: Sleepy mama
Anika Malone: Another building happy to see me
Anika Malone: Ilia at the train station
Anika Malone: Mommy and Ilia in train station
Anika Malone: Mommy and Ilia in train station
Anika Malone: Train station
Anika Malone: Ceiling of train station
Anika Malone: Wide shot of train station
Anika Malone: Old waiting area of train station
Anika Malone: Chillin' out
Anika Malone: Old waiting area of train station
Anika Malone: Base of column
Anika Malone: Icy roof
Anika Malone: DSCN0388
Anika Malone: Yeah, it was cold
Anika Malone: Freezing my tuchas off
Anika Malone: Cloudy skyline
Anika Malone: It's FLAT
Anika Malone: Hanging at Uncle EJs
Anika Malone: Uncle Lee's family
Anika Malone: The great aunts
Anika Malone: At grandmother's wake
Anika Malone: Ilia meets Stephen and Daniel
Anika Malone: After nap time
Anika Malone: Thanksgiving baby
Anika Malone: Grandmother and Ilia
Anika Malone: Grandmother, me, Ilia and Gabriel
Anika Malone: Looking at mommy's socks
Anika Malone: Me and Daddy by the river
Anika Malone: Me and mommy by the river