AngyDS: Fliegenpilz
AngyDS: Happy Halloween ^^OO^^
AngyDS: a moment of nostalgy
AngyDS: impressions of autumn
AngyDS: the colours of autumn
AngyDS: red beauties of autumn
AngyDS: Aquarius
AngyDS: little friends
AngyDS: snails palace
AngyDS: october
AngyDS: to much green
AngyDS: evanescence
AngyDS: Kastanien
AngyDS: Silberblätter
AngyDS: hello autumn
AngyDS: leaves on the ground
AngyDS: little magic mushroom
AngyDS: big mushroom
AngyDS: angespült
AngyDS: urban and nature
AngyDS: flammendes rot
AngyDS: diagonal
AngyDS: Herbst am See
AngyDS: golden leaf
AngyDS: verblüht
AngyDS: rote Blätter
AngyDS: Herbstsonne
AngyDS: verblüht
AngyDS: Farn sw
AngyDS: verwelkt