A. Younessi: Fort Adams State Park flowers
A. Younessi: John Butler
A. Younessi: John Butler
A. Younessi: tattooed hat woman
A. Younessi: Pod people
A. Younessi: Beer line
A. Younessi: Drummer of Rani Arbo & Daisy Mayhem
A. Younessi: Not happy
A. Younessi: flower women
A. Younessi: Grace Potter
A. Younessi: Cool church door
A. Younessi: Emmanuel Episcopal Church statue
A. Younessi: Dog bar
A. Younessi: They do windows
A. Younessi: Curly-haired angel
A. Younessi: Inchworm of death!
A. Younessi: Another death head
A. Younessi: Death head stone
A. Younessi: Unhappy angel
A. Younessi: Crossbones detail
A. Younessi: She went that way - she hopes
A. Younessi: Children's headstones
A. Younessi: Six children's headstones
A. Younessi: Scythe and hourglass
A. Younessi: Tombstone detail
A. Younessi: Angel guy (?)
A. Younessi: Slave cemetery
A. Younessi: Pugsley
A. Younessi: Oh, the irony