Angie C: cancelled mint die
Angie C: a boy and his grandma
Angie C: A girl and her Grandpa
Angie C: Family Hiking
Angie C: Let Me Help You
Angie C: 3|31|2009: Generations
Angie C: 3|23|2009: Jumproping for beginners
Angie C: 3|21|2009: Riding the Wild Caterpillar
Angie C: 3|19|2009: Blended Family
Angie C: Flower Girls & Ring Bearers
Angie C: Doing Puzzles (Day 400)
Angie C: Kentucky Kids (Day 399)
Angie C: The Reason for Travel (Day 398)
Angie C: Peeking Out
Angie C: Pink
Angie C: Heart Girl Swimming
Angie C: On the Sea-Break 2
Angie C: On the Sea Break
Angie C: Chilly Picnic (335 of 365)
Angie C: Christmas take four (Day 360)
Angie C: Family
Angie C: Anticipation
Angie C: Playing with my Niece & Nephew (303 of 365)
Angie C: Feeding the Birds on a Windy Day
Angie C: A Busy day (Day 329)
Angie C: Light (Day 328)
Angie C: Riding the Ferris Wheel (302 of 365)
Angie C: An Autumn Outdoor Tea-Party With My Sister, Niece, Nephew, and Animal Friends Makes Me Smile (296 of 365)
Angie C: Sandbox Play (Day 322)
Angie C: In the Sandbox