Angie C: Immature Black Crowned Night Heron
Angie C: Black Crowned Night Heron
Angie C: Black Crowned Night Heron
Angie C: Black Crowned Night Heron
Angie C: 5|17|2009: Dogwood Blossoms in the Breeze
Angie C: Spring
Angie C: 5|2|2009: Flying
Angie C: 4|25|2009: Red & Blue
Angie C: Christmas Eve Choas (Day 351)
Angie C: Light (Day 328)
Angie C: Riding the Ferris Wheel (302 of 365)
Angie C: My Hero (Day 25)
Angie C: Past Aquaintance (Day 15)
Angie C: San Pelligrino
Angie C: New Discovery (Day 14)
Angie C: Curious Taz
Angie C: Ammo Box
Angie C: Rusty Stuff
Angie C: Fox News
Angie C: peeking out
Angie C: Think