Angie C: 3|19|2009: Blended Family
Angie C: With this ring I thee wed...
Angie C: Flower Girls & Ring Bearers
Angie C: 3|2|2009: Spring's Rebirth
Angie C: 2|25|2009: Night Scene...
Angie C: 2|20|2009: It stared at me and I stared at it...
Angie C: 2|19|2009: The continuing saga...
Angie C: 2|18|2009: Thought I'd see what all the rage was about...
Angie C: Reflecting - 365 Days reject
Angie C: 365 Days! (365 of 365) & (Day 389)
Angie C: Trampoline Fun (Day 388) & (364 of 365)
Angie C: Spinning Fun With Mom (Day 387)
Angie C: Sun-face (363 of 365)
Angie C: Superbowl Party (Day 386)
Angie C: Practicing Being Excited (362 of 365)
Angie C: (Day 376) and (352 of 365)
Angie C: Christmas Twilight (Day 356)
Angie C: Christmas Take Two (Day 354)
Angie C: A Little Brotherly Love (Day 350)
Angie C: Christmas Decorations (324 of 365)
Angie C: Once Again, headed off to work (323 of 365)
Angie C: Charlie in the Sun
Angie C: Working in a Winter Wonderland (316 of 365)
Angie C: Night Snowstorm (day 342)
Angie C: Putting up the Christmas Lights (Day 338)
Angie C: Kitty & Me by the Tree (Day 337) and (311 of 365)
Angie C: (Day 330) and (304 of 365)
Angie C: The Pie Chronicles Make Me Smile (298 of 365)
Angie C: Large Thanksgiving (Day 324)
Angie C: An Autumn Outdoor Tea-Party With My Sister, Niece, Nephew, and Animal Friends Makes Me Smile (296 of 365)