Angie C: Winter Morning: He has left
Angie C: snow on the old flowers
Angie C: Intensity
Angie C: Tough bird
Angie C: Should You Worry if the Ravens Move In Next Door?
Angie C: Doing a Project that Has Been on the back Burner a Long Time
Angie C: Inside
Angie C: Finishing Cleaning my Motorcycle Chain
Angie C: My Kitty Coming Out of Her Hiding Place When I Asked Her To
Angie C: The Fantastic Meal that My Husband Made for Lunch
Angie C: Putting Together a Lullaby Mix CD for My Younger Nieces & Nephews
Angie C: The Sound of the breeze in the neighbor's tree
Angie C: The Sliver Moon & the Evening Star
Angie C: The Twylit sky with sliver moon, evening star, and spaceship clouds
Angie C: Amazing surprise!
Angie C: Amazing Surprise
Angie C: Kitty; shot with my new 50D
Angie C: Kitty
Angie C: tree & orange clouds
Angie C: ridged clouds
Angie C: orange & blue sky
Angie C: orange clouds across the sky
Angie C: 6|2|2009: After the Storm
Angie C: 4|1|2009: Spring
Angie C: 3|13|2009: Happy housework
Angie C: 3|7|2009: Soft Paws
Angie C: 3|3|2009: My Happy Little Home
Angie C: 3|2|2009: Spring's Rebirth
Angie C: 3|1|2009: Beautiful Home
Angie C: 2|27|2009: Yay! home...