angeltamor: if the shoe fits...
angeltamor: donut holes with nuts and honey...
angeltamor: discovering the beautiful alleys of the old capital...
angeltamor: "the more confident you are, the quieter you become... confidence whispers and insecurity roars... confident people are not attention seekrs... their mere presence is loud enough for the world to see..."
angeltamor: trojan horse...
angeltamor: looking more menacing than usual...
angeltamor: the irony is, the more you travel, the more you master the frequency of feeling at home with yourself...
angeltamor: greeking in greece...
angeltamor: harbour of napflio...
angeltamor: nafplion bourtzi fortress...
angeltamor: be right back...
angeltamor: we took a day trip to the old city of napflion... also known to me as nat geo...
angeltamor: make it happen... shock everyone... shock yourself... the mission is personal... you owe it to yourself to become everything you've ever dreamed of...
angeltamor: the big blue moon looks like a street light at six in the morning...
angeltamor: streets of napflio...
angeltamor: beautiful place for a breakfast date...
angeltamor: lovely alley...
angeltamor: me and the broccoli tree...
angeltamor: greek coffee has no milk... surprisingly, i love it...
angeltamor: kagianas... village bread, tahini, honey, local olives, gruyere and donuts, mashed until it looks like this...
angeltamor: spinach pie...
angeltamor: sending a photo to anshu, because he also wants to do an angel...
angeltamor: donut holes with nutella...
angeltamor: very very very comfortable...
angeltamor: goddesses and more goddesses...
angeltamor: knees on the floor...
angeltamor: lovers in nafplion...
angeltamor: blooming...
angeltamor: i now notice bottles... i brought this home for him...
angeltamor: aubergine...