angeltamor: altum in IBM for the wellness fair...
angeltamor: they’re ghette’s angels... but they’re also mine... always feeling their love...
angeltamor: let’s talk wellness... tapos sa denny’s kumain...
angeltamor: because it is good to talk about it... thank you for listening to my vulnerability tonight... it has been therapeutic revealing myself to you...
angeltamor: nestle in an IBM event... while sending birthday wishes to tita mom from 11,000 kms away... this is work life integration happening for me...
angeltamor: from altum and IBM, happy birthday mom...
angeltamor: because we've been wanting to try this for a while... and it's raining today so ramen for lunch is perfect...
angeltamor: monthly weigh in, happening now...
angeltamor: past nine in the evening on a friday and we both found ourselves in hanston, still working...
angeltamor: spending time with these three, while ghette is in a look see...
angeltamor: new york feels...
angeltamor: i think he's spending more time in my office than me nowadays...
angeltamor: years ago, he shared a story of tita mom taking his photo while he presented at nestle... today, i'm doing the same thing as he presents in IBM... it's amazing, this journey... i am so proud of you...
angeltamor: altum in IBM...
angeltamor: taking our relationship with guev to the next level... from breads to meals...
angeltamor: work life integration on valentine’s day...
angeltamor: ghette’s angels are also my angels... thank you for all that you do for me...
angeltamor: kidnapped, again...