angeltamor: celebrating our achievement this year... thank you for a very entertaining christmas and send off party, IA...
angeltamor: our loot tonight... for our judging services... thank you, LIFE team...
angeltamor: take a bow, mighty band... you deserve it...
angeltamor: the winner for the battle of the bands... congratulations, mighty band... that really was a might performance...
angeltamor: oh that charm... how can they not vote for him... congratulations, mister internal account...
angeltamor: congratulations, miss internal account...
angeltamor: tonight's judges, with the one who orchestrated the whole event... thank you kent, for a very entertaining party...
angeltamor: separation anxiety, still...
angeltamor: after four very entertaining performances... it's time to pick the winner...
angeltamor: the mighty band... what rockstars...
angeltamor: they planned, organized and executed the party... and yet there's more... a performance from the LIFE team... congratulations on an excellent event, guys...
angeltamor: there's something abot women who can play the violin... thank you for serenading us tonight...
angeltamor: "so aside from this being our year end celebration, let us also give angel a proper send off..." awww... thanks, jong...
angeltamor: sudhakar formally opens the year end party of internal account... he didn't get the memo that it's a black and scarlet night...
angeltamor: no backstreet boys performance on this party... he's happy slash relieved...
angeltamor: if there's a star of the night award... she would be it... gorgeous, karen...
angeltamor: the roles that i play in your life... i am your friend, colleague and hr partner... and sometimes, i hand you over an award... congratulations, mikey...
angeltamor: i was just passing by... but i was asked to open the celebration... and then do the awarding... some folks just cannot let go... the truth is, i just cannot just yet too...
angeltamor: congratulations, promotees...
angeltamor: this deserves a split... congratulations, mackee... well deserved progression...
angeltamor: kris kringle in the middle of november... this week's theme: back to the 90s... crazy bunch of people these are... and i love them...
angeltamor: the winners of the spooky halloween decoration contest claiming their prize... and because they scared me, they had to invite me...
angeltamor: because it's my last day in IA, pau treated me to coffee... no more tears...
angeltamor: welcome back, karen... it's more fun in IA...
angeltamor: there are days when it's just fun yo be goofy in the office...
angeltamor: the life team did an awesome job as usual... thank you for being very proactive in promoting employee engagement...
angeltamor: townhall scenes... some sporadic changes happening... but grace under pressure still showing...
angeltamor: no one can argue here... congratulations, mikey...
angeltamor: let's pretend that the lanyards are medals... just because this is a stress reliever for jong... patol naman kame...
angeltamor: IA townhall... time to revisit HR initiatives for the year...