Angel Taipe: Walking on the rails after rain
Angel Taipe: En la lluvia
Angel Taipe: Come Back...
Angel Taipe: That look... What happens buddy?
Angel Taipe: La Sombrilla
Angel Taipe: In the midday sun
Angel Taipe: Hat girl
Angel Taipe: Mural on the railroad
Angel Taipe: At the edge of the pavement
Angel Taipe: Popular
Angel Taipe: Talks of girls below the steps of the Cathedral
Angel Taipe: La lluvia
Angel Taipe: What will I do?
Angel Taipe: Grief in the old village.
Angel Taipe: Informing at halftime
Angel Taipe: "The grocery"
Angel Taipe: In Black and White
Angel Taipe: La Chongina
Angel Taipe: An altered dog
Angel Taipe: Don Prudencio
Angel Taipe: Parado de árbol
Angel Taipe: Mi niño
Angel Taipe: Where is my chocolate?
Angel Taipe: The biker village
Angel Taipe: Back, having little conversations and great lessons
Angel Taipe: Come back alone
Angel Taipe: The musician
Angel Taipe: The News Man
Angel Taipe: Happiness