angel of the odd: on my way home from work about 2 weeks ago
angel of the odd: on my way to work this morning
angel of the odd: guinea hen
angel of the odd: guinea hen
angel of the odd: sunset over blue ridge
angel of the odd: monday sunset
angel of the odd: monday sunset
angel of the odd: monday sunset
angel of the odd: before the storm
angel of the odd: october sky
angel of the odd: october sky
angel of the odd: first snow on the blue ridge
angel of the odd: first snow on the blue ridge
angel of the odd: first snow on the blue ridge
angel of the odd: a very very still eagle
angel of the odd: the only snow this year...
angel of the odd: sometimes all you gotta do is look up
angel of the odd: slowly the fall colors crept on her
angel of the odd: and more perspective
angel of the odd: it's all about perspective really
angel of the odd: if i make a left i can ride the rails instead of going to work
angel of the odd: blair park road
angel of the odd: jarmans gap road
angel of the odd: lovely redness
angel of the odd: half mile branch road