angelo.alberico: The child of a thousand faces; Mr Personality!
angelo.alberico: The child of a thousand faces; Mr Personality!
angelo.alberico: The child of a thousand faces; Mr Personality!
angelo.alberico: DSCN2932
angelo.alberico: The child of a thousand faces; Mr Personality!
angelo.alberico: The child of a thousand faces; Mr Personality!
angelo.alberico: Didn't quite know what to think of his new vans, thanks Uncle Don for helping me look cool!
angelo.alberico: Didn't quite know what to think of his new vans, thanks Uncle Don for helping me look cool!
angelo.alberico: What fantastic posture, still not sure about those Vans!
angelo.alberico: What's up with this hat?
angelo.alberico: Corn on the cob is a very effective teething aid... but the next morning is not so fun!
angelo.alberico: Corn on the cob is a very effective teething aid... but the next morning is not so fun!
angelo.alberico: Corn on the cob is a very effective teething aid... but the next morning is not so fun!
angelo.alberico: His latest trick we call "hoorah I win!"
angelo.alberico: No thanks Dom, I'm not a big fan of cement cookie water cups!
angelo.alberico: Looks like: Dominic 0, Cookie 1!
angelo.alberico: Dominic loved the rocking horse at Gymboree
angelo.alberico: Crawling in the tunnel was good fun
angelo.alberico: Crawling in the tunnel was good fun
angelo.alberico: Playing on the teeter with emma
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angelo.alberico: DSCN2960
angelo.alberico: The bouncy thing is fun
angelo.alberico: Those faces he makes!
angelo.alberico: Ok, maybe that got a little scary for him, or he was getting VERY tired.