angel: Look at these flowers someone truly amazing and wonderful bought for me! (It was me 😉😬)
angel: Easter monkeys
angel: Wow, that was easy!
angel: Amazing photo from my dogwalker this morning 🐶
angel: Arthur's second breakfast time (boiled egg and soldiers not pictured)
angel: Ice cream monkeys
angel: Arthur made this! He trimmed the pastry, spread the tomato purée, turned on the food processor to slice the courgettes and onions, stirred the onions to caramelize them, arranged the courgettes and onions on the tart, and sprinkled over the goats cheese.
angel: Daisy (original pic by my dogwalker)
angel: Snacktime in pajamas: leftover birthday cake
angel: All Arthur would tell me he wanted for his birthday was "a blue castle cake." He is pleased!
angel: Look what I found when I walked into A's room this morning. 👀
angel: Still the best little lunch date 😍
angel: saXnta can I plees hav A treshur ch[est] with jewels inside anXd sXhopXkin- -s tXhank you Beatrice
angel: You guys! I did it! I made the most stereotypical instagram post ever!
angel: Awww. Look at this gorgeous little ornament my brother-in-law gave us 👍
angel: ballet monkeys
angel: There's my boy.
angel: I want to extol the virtues of steaming the Christmas pudding in a slow cooker! It's so much easier 👏 👏 👏
angel: Instagramming this is excruciatingly relevant to my #personalbrand
angel: My daughter got very upset when I said she had drawn a beautiful autumn tree. "No, Mommy. This is a sack of flour." Whatever you say, kid.
angel: Tooth #3 just came out (naturally this time!) while B was in the bathtub!
angel: Every boy needs a sister to make him a duck outfit at breakfast.
angel: well THAT'S not creepy at all
angel: We went to see Aladdin today and B got a picture with Jasmine 😍
angel: My little son, this morning
angel: Leave my daughter to her own devices for 20 minutes and she makes a puppet family (literally zero input from me). The creativity must come from Giles because it sure doesn't come from me.
angel: While I was making their dinner, B put A's art bib on him and started him on a project--all her idea, planned beautifully. It's a card for Daddy.
angel: two going on fifteen
angel: "I draw a heart!"
angel: Rosie Amina Bunny Lucy Clare Alice Arisa Ophelia