vacationer1901: Econfina River on its way to the Gulf of Mexico
vacationer1901: Dark waters of the Econfina River
vacationer1901: Econfina River
vacationer1901: Econfina River
vacationer1901: Econfina River
vacationer1901: Limestone boulder
vacationer1901: Marsh along the coastline
vacationer1901: The birds had no problem with the weather
vacationer1901: Grey sky along the coast
vacationer1901: Taylor County Coastline
vacationer1901: Taylor County Coastline
vacationer1901: Gulf of Mexico
vacationer1901: Gulf of Mexico
vacationer1901: Near Steinhatchee, Florida
vacationer1901: An island for birds
vacationer1901: Assorted water birds
vacationer1901: Steinhatchee, Florida