vacationer1901: I started the day with an early morning walk along Wailua Bay
vacationer1901: Mighty big hiding place
vacationer1901: OHHHHHH! Sunrise over the pacific ocean
vacationer1901: Shimmering surf
vacationer1901: Golden sand
vacationer1901: Lava rocks
vacationer1901: Sunrise on Kauai's east coast
vacationer1901: Crashing surf
vacationer1901: Wailua reservoir
vacationer1901: Fallen blossom
vacationer1901: Arrival at the traihead
vacationer1901: Reading the instructions
vacationer1901: Hello flower
vacationer1901: Lots of ferns along this trail
vacationer1901: First glimps of things to come
vacationer1901: Clouds surround the distant mountains
vacationer1901: Stretching toward the sun
vacationer1901: Clouds form shadows
vacationer1901: Moss clings to the hillside
vacationer1901: Let the hike begin
vacationer1901: A view upward
vacationer1901: The trail will soon narrow
vacationer1901: Guava trees drop their bounty
vacationer1901: Uneasy feeling around these hunting dogs
vacationer1901: Paniolo (cowboy) transportation
vacationer1901: Getting the dogs ready for the pig hunt
vacationer1901: A lonely flower
vacationer1901: Guavas smell sooooo good
vacationer1901: Shaded by tall trees
vacationer1901: ...and he pushes on