vacationer1901: St. Marks River, Florida
vacationer1901: Tall Hydrolea (Sky-flower)
vacationer1901: DSC_0477
vacationer1901: DSC_0478
vacationer1901: Alligator just floating along
vacationer1901: A new crop of alligators
vacationer1901: Pickerelweed
vacationer1901: Hibiscus-like flower
vacationer1901: Cotton-ball clouds overhead
vacationer1901: Great Blue Heron - Ardea herodias
vacationer1901: Great Blue Heron strutting along
vacationer1901: A bashful predator
vacationer1901: Wide open space
vacationer1901: One of a few Passionflowers left for the season
vacationer1901: Snowy Egret looking for tasty morsels
vacationer1901: Tri-colored Heron doing the happy dance
vacationer1901: Flying proudly in front of the lighthouse
vacationer1901: St. Marks Natl Wildlife Refuge 08-02-2014
vacationer1901: St. Marks Lighthouse (by Larry
vacationer1901: Window shutter
vacationer1901: Lighthouse staircase
vacationer1901: Life in danger
vacationer1901: Looking through a window opning
vacationer1901: Lighthouse staircase (by Larry)
vacationer1901: Interior hallway (by Larry)
vacationer1901: Lighthouse porch (by Larry)
vacationer1901: Lighthouse view from the shore of the Gulf of Mexico
vacationer1901: Relentless sun beating down from the sky
vacationer1901: Saw Palmetto
vacationer1901: Scarlet Hibiscus