vacationer1901: Larry, the birthday boy
vacationer1901: Horrible thistle
vacationer1901: Milkweed
vacationer1901: Milkweed
vacationer1901: Butterflies are slowly arriving at the refuge
vacationer1901: DSC_8414
vacationer1901: Bachelor button with bug
vacationer1901: Horrible Thistle Seedhead
vacationer1901: Taking it easy on the log
vacationer1901: Seeds tangling in the breeze
vacationer1901: Water lilies line the waterway
vacationer1901: Blue sky, white clouds and shine
vacationer1901: Water lily
vacationer1901: Dragonfly
vacationer1901: Typical Florida
vacationer1901: DSC_8556
vacationer1901: Palm tree
vacationer1901: St. Marks National Wildlife Refuge, Florida
vacationer1901: Dragonfly
vacationer1901: Grasses lend contrasting color to the photo
vacationer1901: Tr-colored heron
vacationer1901: Tricolored heron
vacationer1901: Headquarters Lake
vacationer1901: My presence scares wildlife
vacationer1901: Fleeing quickly
vacationer1901: Gliding across the grasses
vacationer1901: Into the distance it flies
vacationer1901: One of many waterways criss-crossing the refuge
vacationer1901: DSC_8631
vacationer1901: DSC_8634