vacationer1901: Recent rains lifted the water levels
vacationer1901: Standing water everywhere
vacationer1901: Spring is breaking out
vacationer1901: Red maple
vacationer1901: A warm spring day
vacationer1901: Red maples stand out
vacationer1901: Spiderwort
vacationer1901: Blue sky, blue water
vacationer1901: White egret
vacationer1901: You never know what lurks in there
vacationer1901: I know how to scare wildlife away
vacationer1901: White egret
vacationer1901: Just strutting along
vacationer1901: Great catch
vacationer1901: Looking for the next meal
vacationer1901: Ahhhh, the sun feels good
vacationer1901: A little stalker
vacationer1901: King of the log
vacationer1901: A great diver
vacationer1901: Turtle sunning on a log
vacationer1901: Not much room on that log
vacationer1901: A great hiding place for wildlife
vacationer1901: Horrible thistle getting ready for spring blooms
vacationer1901: Sky and water are the same color
vacationer1901: Another turtle catching the rays
vacationer1901: Thorny little devils
vacationer1901: Sunshine brings spring flowers
vacationer1901: Just taking it easy
vacationer1901: Moorhen amongst the lily pads
vacationer1901: A sunny spot