vacationer1901: Waking up to a full moon
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Beautiful flowers grace the hotel grounds
vacationer1901: Starting the trip east on I-70
vacationer1901: The sun is coming across the mountains
vacationer1901: One of several long tunnels along the way
vacationer1901: The rushing water of the Colorado River was next to the road for many miles
vacationer1901: Interstate 70, an engineering marvel through the narrow canyon
vacationer1901: Crossing Vail Pass
vacationer1901: Zipping through the Eisenhower Tunnel
vacationer1901: We made a quick stop in Georgetown
vacationer1901: Georgetown in the valley
vacationer1901: Georgetown below
vacationer1901: Climbing higher on Guanella Pass Road
vacationer1901: Hidden waterfall
vacationer1901: One of several small lakes
vacationer1901: Wild flowers
vacationer1901: Water reservoir in the mountains
vacationer1901: A first look at the autumn aspen leaves
vacationer1901: The leaves are turning to their fall foilage
vacationer1901: A sign of things to come
vacationer1901: A small mountain stream
vacationer1901: Mountain creek
vacationer1901: The blue sky was striking
vacationer1901: Above is the tree line
vacationer1901: The sound of rushing water always nearby