vacationer1901: Sounds of water can be heard everywhere
vacationer1901: Flash flooding on no time at all
vacationer1901: Slick rock doesn't absorb water
vacationer1901: Waterfalls start to appear
vacationer1901: Trickle, trickle, trickle
vacationer1901: A little bit of rain creates lots of little falls
vacationer1901: The angry sky
vacationer1901: Six Shooter Peak is about to get soaked
vacationer1901: Flash flood
vacationer1901: Here comes the flood
vacationer1901: One of the Six Shooter Peaks is getting wet
vacationer1901: Ancestral Puebloan Granery
vacationer1901: Ancestral Puebloan Granery
vacationer1901: Ancestral Puebloan Granery
vacationer1901: With tunder and lightening in the sky, I started to "sprint" toward the granery dodging the rain puddles
vacationer1901: Nice rock colors
vacationer1901: Rain makes for interesting photos
vacationer1901: It's getting a bit nippy
vacationer1901: We can't walk too far from the car because of the unpredictable weather
vacationer1901: Interesting rocks
vacationer1901: And the rain continues
vacationer1901: Flash flooding on the bottom of the hill closed the road
vacationer1901: Why must it rain EVERY day?
vacationer1901: Let's take a picture out of the car window
vacationer1901: That's how roads get washed away.
vacationer1901: We arrived just in time to witness the downpour over The Needles
vacationer1901: Rain, rain go away
vacationer1901: The weather did not improve
vacationer1901: Little streams are forming everywhere
vacationer1901: A mushroom rock on the hill