vacationer1901: Saying good bye to Arches National Park
vacationer1901: Monsoon rains cleared the air and deepened the colors
vacationer1901: See what monsoon rains can do
vacationer1901: Like a painter's palette
vacationer1901: So many different colors
vacationer1901: Colors are brighter thanks to monsoon rains
vacationer1901: A quick visit to Skyline Arch
vacationer1901: Wet rocks
vacationer1901: And the rain started giving the sandstone fins an entirely different look
vacationer1901: Blue sky in one directions, storms clouds in another
vacationer1901: Hurrying to beat the rain
vacationer1901: Colorful lichen
vacationer1901: Pick up the pace
vacationer1901: Rain is moving in our direction
vacationer1901: Love that hat
vacationer1901: That tree thinks it's better on the other side of the fence
vacationer1901: The ancient ones
vacationer1901: The hiking trail leads up one of the fins
vacationer1901: Landscape Arch
vacationer1901: Larry framed by the Landscape Arch
vacationer1901: This was a much photographed subject. I'm talking about the arch.
vacationer1901: Landscape Arch has a 306-foot span
vacationer1901: Partition Arch sits high on a cliff
vacationer1901: Partition Arch
vacationer1901: Growing through the fence
vacationer1901: Monsoon rains again?
vacationer1901: Here comes the rain
vacationer1901: Rain clouds are forming
vacationer1901: Old gnarly
vacationer1901: Threadening sky