vacationer1901: Below the rim are the goosenecks of the San Juan River
vacationer1901: Looking out between the rocks
vacationer1901: Risky standpoint
vacationer1901: 1,300 feet above the canyon floor
vacationer1901: Man on a mountain
vacationer1901: King of the hill
vacationer1901: What a view. I'm talking about the goosenecks below the rim.
vacationer1901: The tiniest crack can hold a plant
vacationer1901: There is a dirt road below that should be explored
vacationer1901: On a clear day..........
vacationer1901: Light and shadow
vacationer1901: Haze obstructs the view into Monument Valley
vacationer1901: Walking around on the mesa
vacationer1901: Watch your step
vacationer1901: Monument Valley in the distance
vacationer1901: Wait a minute. There is a deep cut between these two rock formations
vacationer1901: Lots of large broken rocks
vacationer1901: Up on the mesa
vacationer1901: Not a railing in sight
vacationer1901: A faint glimpse of the San Juan River below
vacationer1901: Sky reflection in a puddle
vacationer1901: For a moment I thought it was an animal
vacationer1901: A few plants were scattered on the rocky surface
vacationer1901: Deep canyons below
vacationer1901: A small lizard
vacationer1901: Deeply carved goosenecks
vacationer1901: Monument Valley in Arizona is barely visible on the horizon
vacationer1901: A steep slope (11%) descends from the mesa to the valley floor in three miles
vacationer1901: One of the overlooks along the dugway
vacationer1901: Starting to descend down the Moki Dugway