vacationer1901: Entry Sign to Canyonlands National Park
vacationer1901: Mesa View
vacationer1901: A high and dry mesa
vacationer1901: Driving toward Mesa Arch
vacationer1901: A mesa is across from the cliffside
vacationer1901: A sandy hiking path to Mesa Arch
vacationer1901: First view of Mesa Arch
vacationer1901: Cairns lead the way
vacationer1901: Mesa Arch, one of the most photographed arches in Utah
vacationer1901: Best time to photograph is at sunrise
vacationer1901: Mesa Arch is perched on a cliff
vacationer1901: One of the lovely tourists visiting the site
vacationer1901: Go ahead, strike a pose
vacationer1901: The underside of the arch takes on a brilliant red hue at sunrise
vacationer1901: Washer Woman is seen in the distance
vacationer1901: The drop off past the arch is more than 1,000 feet
vacationer1901: DSC_7176Even in mid-morning, the underside had a glow
vacationer1901: It's a wonderful place to sit a while
vacationer1901: He'll sit anywhere
vacationer1901: Ahhh, such a nice couple
vacationer1901: Taking turns for photo ops in front of the arch
vacationer1901: Smile, please
vacationer1901: It's a massive arch
vacationer1901: Dare devil with good life insurance
vacationer1901: Reflection in a rain puddle
vacationer1901: Let's hike a different route back to the car
vacationer1901: A struggle lost
vacationer1901: Another tree skeleton along the trail
vacationer1901: Nicely placed cairns
vacationer1901: Cactues and flowers