vacationer1901: DSC_5667
vacationer1901: Petroglyphs and pictographs can be found in Canyon Pintado
vacationer1901: Rock imbedded in rock
vacationer1901: Bird nests build into the rock walls
vacationer1901: Bird nests
vacationer1901: Kokopelli sign
vacationer1901: Kokopelli being stabelized with a wire
vacationer1901: More rock art
vacationer1901: Driving through the canyon
vacationer1901: Flowers bloom along the highway
vacationer1901: Let's see the waving hands
vacationer1901: Definitely not from the Fremont period
vacationer1901: High on a rock more art work
vacationer1901: A closer look
vacationer1901: Bird nests right above the Fremont art
vacationer1901: The road steadily climbs out of the canyon toward Douglas Pass
vacationer1901: A small mountain pond
vacationer1901: Looking south from Douglas Pass
vacationer1901: Beautiful wildflowers bloom at the Douglas Pass
vacationer1901: View from Douglas Pass
vacationer1901: Small lake below the pass
vacationer1901: Do we have to leave?
vacationer1901: Enjoying the view
vacationer1901: I love the desert but the mountains hold a special place in my heart
vacationer1901: A beautiful place
vacationer1901: Descending from Douglas Pass
vacationer1901: Rabbitbush
vacationer1901: Flowers everywhere
vacationer1901: Asters in a field