vacationer1901: A peaceful lake within one of the largest housing communities in Tallahassee
vacationer1901: Wildlife surrounded by lush greenery
vacationer1901: Let's meet at the watering hole
vacationer1901: Wood Storks and Canada Geese coexisting peacefully
vacationer1901: Grooming station
vacationer1901: Party headquarters for water birds
vacationer1901: I've seen children swim in this area last summer. Gator bait.
vacationer1901: Reflections in the river form a nice background
vacationer1901: The St. Marks River is often used by kayakers
vacationer1901: I really shouldn't stand that close to the edge of the river
vacationer1901: St. Marks River at Natural Bridge National Monument
vacationer1901: Woman with an attitude
vacationer1901: St. Marks River flowing towards the underground sinkhole
vacationer1901: Humble abode of a gnome
vacationer1901: Duck weed as far as the eye can see
vacationer1901: Duck Weed covered river
vacationer1901: Aptly named Swamp Rose
vacationer1901: It's sad to see Bubba's trash where soldiers fought and lost their lives
vacationer1901: Great Blue Heron across the river
vacationer1901: Great Blue Heron playing hide and seek
vacationer1901: Large sign for a tiny park
vacationer1901: Natural Bridge Battlefield Moument
vacationer1901: Natural Bridge Battlefield Monument
vacationer1901: Historical Marker
vacationer1901: Natural Bridge is the site of the second largest Civil War battle in Florida
vacationer1901: Natural Bridge Battlefield Monument
vacationer1901: Memorial to fallen soldiers
vacationer1901: Natural Bridge Battlefield Monument