vacationer1901: Entry sign at Bald Point State Park
vacationer1901: Marshes and view of Apalachee Bay
vacationer1901: Having fun in the sun
vacationer1901: Beach flower
vacationer1901: Lots of fishermen and fisherwomen hoping to catch the big one
vacationer1901: Tranquility
vacationer1901: Some trees grow near the marsh
vacationer1901: Surprise of the day, prescribed burn
vacationer1901: It made for some dramatic pictures
vacationer1901: The smoke was visible miles before we reached the park
vacationer1901: One the bay side the view was clear
vacationer1901: A bench in someone's honor
vacationer1901: Billowing smoke rises
vacationer1901: The culprit of all cars turning a shade of yellow in a few weeks
vacationer1901: Smoke was always visible
vacationer1901: Wow, a bit close for comfort
vacationer1901: This bird kept a watchful eye on the situation
vacationer1901: The fire was close to the access road and houses at this point
vacationer1901: Prescribed burn at Bald Point State Park, Florida
vacationer1901: Up in smoke the underbrush goes
vacationer1901: It's a powerful sight
vacationer1901: The fire moved quickly
vacationer1901: We decided to drive to the other side of the park
vacationer1901: The view was clear on this side
vacationer1901: The fire was still visible in the distance
vacationer1901: Lake Tucker view
vacationer1901: Fresh fish dinner at the coast, including fresh alligator.
vacationer1901: A reminder that we were here