vacationer1901: The trail leads over fine white sand
vacationer1901: Starting point for the Cherokee Sink Trail
vacationer1901: Weird orange fuzz on the underside of oak leaves
vacationer1901: Like orange cotton balls
vacationer1901: Directional marker to the sink
vacationer1901: I think he sees a bench in the distance
vacationer1901: Two oak leaves with orange fuzz
vacationer1901: The temporary owner of the bench
vacationer1901: This sign must not pertain to locals
vacationer1901: Arrival at Cherokee Sink
vacationer1901: View across the lake
vacationer1901: An old cemetary
vacationer1901: Limestone archway
vacationer1901: A trail leads around part of the lake
vacationer1901: The bank is higher in the west side of the lake
vacationer1901: Lime stones are visible on the east side of the lake
vacationer1901: Some parts of the lake are not accessible
vacationer1901: A plant sprouts out of a rock
vacationer1901: View across the lake
vacationer1901: Limestone walls
vacationer1901: Algae covered limestones below the water surface
vacationer1901: Green algae below a limestone
vacationer1901: View toward the west side of the lake
vacationer1901: Trees line a part of the lake
vacationer1901: Cherokee Lake
vacationer1901: One last look
vacationer1901: Heading back to the car
vacationer1901: I think it's a grape leaf