vacationer1901: Entry to Maclay Gardens
vacationer1901: Main pathway
vacationer1901: Palm frond, a Florida native
vacationer1901: Another view of the palm fronds
vacationer1901: One of many camellias
vacationer1901: A frost earlier in the week damaged many open camellia blooms
vacationer1901: Spanish moss dripping from the trees
vacationer1901: Resurrection ferns standing upright like little soldiers
vacationer1901: Another camellia blossom
vacationer1901: Delicate and beautiful
vacationer1901: Clouds briefly opened to reveal a blue sky
vacationer1901: Small paths lead off from the main walkway for exploration
vacationer1901: Following a side path
vacationer1901: View of Lake Hall
vacationer1901: Spanish moss swaying in the breeze
vacationer1901: Spanish moss on a majestic old Live Oak tree
vacationer1901: Back at the main path
vacationer1901: Bottlebrush in bloom
vacationer1901: Lake Hall
vacationer1901: Female Sago Palm
vacationer1901: Seeds of the female sago palm
vacationer1901: This tree trunk is older than I am
vacationer1901: White camellia
vacationer1901: Another female sago palm
vacationer1901: Seed head
vacationer1901: A small camellia blossom
vacationer1901: There were lots of bees collecting nectar
vacationer1901: Former Maclay family residence
vacationer1901: Old Live Oak tree
vacationer1901: Old branches covered with resurrection fern and Spanish moss