vacationer1901: It was a nice November day at the beach
vacationer1901: Great blue heron standing watch
vacationer1901: Gull at the beach
vacationer1901: This deserted paradise can be found just 90 miles from our home
vacationer1901: Trying to stay warm
vacationer1901: Sandpiper looking for a snack
vacationer1901: Hiding place for a crab
vacationer1901: Sandpiper in a hurry
vacationer1901: Gull standing guard at the beach
vacationer1901: Sandpiper enjoying a bath
vacationer1901: Water temperature was in the low 60s. Too cold for a swim.
vacationer1901: There were lots of shells on the beach but nothing unusual.
vacationer1901: A treasure for land-locked visitors
vacationer1901: Fly-by helicopter
vacationer1901: Hundreds of these jellyfish were washed up by the tide.
vacationer1901: Only Canadians think 63 degrees water is warm enough to swim.
vacationer1901: Sandpiper near the surf
vacationer1901: Sea oats protect the delicate dunes
vacationer1901: The sky was a brilliant blue
vacationer1901: Foraging for a meal
vacationer1901: Sea shells and jelly fish line the beach
vacationer1901: Nice find
vacationer1901: Not a keeper
vacationer1901: One-legged afternoon siesta
vacationer1901: Another washed up jelly fish
vacationer1901: It looks warm, but it isn't
vacationer1901: Meeting of the birds
vacationer1901: Beach convention
vacationer1901: Warming up in the small tide pools
vacationer1901: A little wave action