vacationer1901: A quick picture out of the car window (don't stop on the bridge or you may get a traffic ticket)
vacationer1901: Upper portion of Seven Scared Pool as seen from the highway bridge
vacationer1901: A short hike through filtered shade to the lower portion of Seven Sacred Pools
vacationer1901: An old banyan tree along the way
vacationer1901: Someone's in a hurry to get to the pools
vacationer1901: Larry behind a stand of hala trees
vacationer1901: Canopy of hala trees
vacationer1901: The stream feeding Seven Sacred Pools spills into the ocean
vacationer1901: No fun activities are allowed
vacationer1901: Pool at the lowest level before spilling into the ocean
vacationer1901: Another pool and two waterfalls
vacationer1901: Remember, no jumping off the bridge into the pool
vacationer1901: Also, no stopping on the bridge to take photos
vacationer1901: The pools are surrounded by tropical foliage
vacationer1901: Larry enjoys the shade under the hala trees
vacationer1901: The trail leads away from the waterfalls
vacationer1901: A bridge through the jungle
vacationer1901: The water wasn't clear
vacationer1901: Go stand under the coconut tree
vacationer1901: Coconut tree fronds
vacationer1901: Splish, splash
vacationer1901: One of just a few flowers along the trail
vacationer1901: Another coconut frond
vacationer1901: Traditional Hawaiian storage house
vacationer1901: A few more flowers along the trail