vacationer1901: DSC_2366
vacationer1901: DSC_2345
vacationer1901: Assorted fowl
vacationer1901: From plain to fancy
vacationer1901: Feeding frenzy
vacationer1901: Grazing sheep
vacationer1901: Fall display at the farm
vacationer1901: Driveway to another farm
vacationer1901: A couple of young goats
vacationer1901: He found a "bench"
vacationer1901: Ham and Bacon
vacationer1901: A splash of golden yellow
vacationer1901: A splash of purple
vacationer1901: A golden crown
vacationer1901: A welcome sight
vacationer1901: Angel's Trumpet
vacationer1901: Pumpkin field
vacationer1901: Reminder of the good old days
vacationer1901: Chicken with a feather necklace
vacationer1901: Goats on the farm
vacationer1901: Chicken portrait
vacationer1901: Some chickens have feathered feet
vacationer1901: A couple of plain chickens
vacationer1901: Heeeere's Billie
vacationer1901: No alcohol involved
vacationer1901: All I see is applewood smoked bacon for breakfast
vacationer1901: The pumpkin patch
vacationer1901: A beautiful fall day
vacationer1901: DSC_2213