vacationer1901: Driving along the coast to the trail head
vacationer1901: The pacific is below
vacationer1901: In the distance is Haleakala
vacationer1901: This side of Maui is sparsely populated
vacationer1901: Strinkingly blue water today
vacationer1901: Strang-looking plant in the parking lot
vacationer1901: A close up
vacationer1901: The trailhead of Waihe'e Ridge Trail
vacationer1901: Oh my, uphill from the start
vacationer1901: There aren't many plants along the way
vacationer1901: A 200 feet elevation change right from the start
vacationer1901: It gets the hear pumping
vacationer1901: Looking into the valley below
vacationer1901: A stand of Cook Island pines on the hill
vacationer1901: About 1/2 mile into the hike we see Makamaka'ole Falls in the distance
vacationer1901: There two falls
vacationer1901: A closer look
vacationer1901: Something is always blooming
vacationer1901: First glance toward Waihe'e Valley
vacationer1901: Clouds are obstructing the mountain tops
vacationer1901: Waihe'e Valley below
vacationer1901: Another waterfall in the distance
vacationer1901: We just started and the elevation is remarkable
vacationer1901: Cook Island Pines reaching toward the sky
vacationer1901: The parking lot below
vacationer1901: Hiking toward the Cook Island pine forest
vacationer1901: Why is he in such a hury?
vacationer1901: We left the pavement and moved to softer ground
vacationer1901: Entering an open forest
vacationer1901: Why is there a gate?